Swifts Without Frontiers started as a project in 2015.
Developing progressively by way of exchanges, partnerships & projects, an association was created on the first of January 2018 in order to act more effectively. This was done with the encouragement & enthusiasm of Dr. Jane Goodall herself!
In the Northern Hemisphere there are more & more associations, individuals, those involved in the construction industry & local authorities who are aware of Swifts & contribute to their protection. Despite this the needs of Swifts are still not well enough understood, particularly in the face of the serious threats to their nest sites. What’s more, there is very little awareness of these birds in the Southern Hemisphere despite the fact that this is where they spend almost 9 months of the year & are threatened there too.
Incidentally, a growing number of scientific studies show that contact with nature enhances well-being & social cohesion, particularly in urban areas. As a migratory bird the swift can also act as a link between peoples of the 2 hemispheres.
Based on these facts the association “Swifts Without Frontiers” aims to increase awareness, appreciation and protection of Swift species throughout the world. It also seeks to use this bird as a starting point for raising awareness of peoples in both hemispheres as to the importance of preserving our biodiversity with its interactions between wild plants and animals as well as the contribution to human health. Furthermore, the association wants to use the swift as an “ambassador” between the 2 hemispheres, enabling exchanges on both biodiversity as well as cultural matters. In this way the Swift becomes a means of promoting education & peace.
To achieve these goals it will mainly play the role of enabler by using the existing network of Swift specialists on one hand and other groups that are already active in the study & protection of nature, education, health & the promotion of peace, on the other. In the areas where these personnel are not in place, the association will provide interested local groups with the necessary tools to enable the study & protection of Swifts.
If you want to know more about our projects, do visit our blog via this link.