Official logo of the event

Vectorial files
In Adobe Illustrator 7
World Swift Day logo
Journée mondiale des martinets logo
In EPS 7
World Swift Day logo
Journée mondiale des martinets logo
Swift models
Life-size shape of a Common Swift (Apus apus) (PDF)
Life-size shape of a Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) (PDF)
(Thank you to Paul & Georgean Kyle for this beautiful drawing!)
See also the following video links:
Dr Jane Goodall on WSD II (2020).
Mensaje Jane Goodall : Día Mundial del Vencejo 2020 (Español)
Message du Dr Jane Goodall pour la Journée mondiale des martinets 2020 (sous-titré en français)
Dr Goodall’s Video Message for WSD III (2021).
Message vidéo du Dr Goodall pour la JMM III (2021)(sous-titré en français)
Screamer The Swift (Youtube reading of “Screamer The Swift”, a children book by John Miles)
Srrriii-sriii le martinet (Youtube reading of the French version of “Screamer The Swift”, by Martine Wauters)